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Mater Composta Bioterritorial

Mater Composta Bioterritorial

Spain / Cáceres

Engaging various organic waste producers like restaurants, schools, and rural properties, alongside local composters including families and small-scale farmers, it focuses on transforming organic waste into valuable compost for organic gardens and small-scale farms, this project is a testament to sustainable urban-rural collaboration. Our composting efforts not only enrich the soil and microbiodiversity but also contribute significantly to carbon mitigation and sequestration.

"From Waste to Wonder: Growing Greener Together"

Trail Janela Do Inferno

Trail Janela Do Inferno

Portugal / Azores

"Trail - Janela do Inferno" located in the city of Lagoa, in the Azores, aims to diversify and revitalize local ecosystems such as forests and endemic flora and fauna organisms. This becomes crucial due to the increasing number of tourists and residents venturing into nature, requiring a careful assessment of risks in various dimensions, such as geological, biological, and rescue. Another relevant aspect of this project is the incorporation of the rights of nature, such as Pachamama, into municipal regulations and procedures, promoting comprehensive processes of social integration and strengthening intergenerationality, which means the sharing of knowledge between older and younger people, along with an inclusive digital transition among different generations.

"Preserving Nature, Cultivating Heritage: Safeguarding Lagoa's Ecosystems"

Regenerative Farming

Regenerative Farming

Denmark / Roskilde

A thriving community uniting diverse farmers across the nation,, our network embodies a shared vision for sustainable agriculture. We see regenerative farming as a vital solution to environmental crises, fostering a harmonious human-nature relationship. Our farmers are adept at self-organization, creating platforms and spaces to exchange knowledge and drive grassroots initiatives. Our pilot project focuses on connecting these innovative farmers with stakeholders like local municipalities and international networks, fostering collaborative growth.

"Sowing Sustainability, Harvesting Harmony"

A green classroom for Rome

A green classroom for Rome

Italy / Rome

Our focus is on reversing the neglect of Rome's open spaces, particularly outside the historic center. We champion urban afforestation and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), collaborating with institutions like ISPRA and CNR. Our efforts align with the PNRR framework, emphasizing research on biodiversity and the development of green corridors, all aimed at enhancing the quality of life and well-being in the region."

"Revitalizing Rome, Root by Root"

Playground is Nature

Playground is Nature

Portugal / Barcelos

In three schools in different parishes of the municipality of Barcelos we aim to promote intergenerational interaction and integration as an instrument for preserving and enhancing the ecological and cultural heritage of school playgrounds, to promote the appropriation of natural systems for human recreation, to encourage leadership among young people and the educational community, to increase the environmental resilience of local communities in adapting to climate change, and to provide creative leisure among students, the ability to play freely and in contact with nature, autonomy in recreational relationships with sustainable playgrounds.

"Uniting Past and Present, Nurturing Future Resilience"

Promotion and conservation of Estarreja’s natural values

Promotion and conservation of Estarreja’s natural values

Portugal / Estarreja

In a diverse territory that hosts rich natural values and distinct interests and visions, and facing challenges like saltwater intrusion, land use change and a growing disconnection from nature, particularly among youth, we are commited to innovative and inclusive governance. Our flagship project, BioRia, epitomizes our approach to Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). Collaborating with a diverse range of partners – from farmers to universities and local businesses – we aim to harmonize local interests with biodiversity conservation. Navigating challenges such as landowner conflicts and integration with local industry, we’re forging a path towards a sustainable and connected community.

"Reviving Nature, Reinforcing Community"

Pedieos River Linear Park

Pedieos River Linear Park

Cyprus / Strovolos

Confronting a sensitive built environment facing environmental, social, and economic challenges, our focus is on introducing Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to an existing green belt used as public space. We address biodiversity and flood risks to expand the various ways that the Pedieos River is used amidst urbanisation processes. Our initiatives involve the enrichment of the occupation patterns of urban parks and green spaces in historic urban environments to combat heat islands, reduce flooding, well-being and enhance urban biodiversity, while multiplying recreation opportunities offered to inhabitants by green public spaces. Collaborating with the Municipality of Strovolos, local NGOs, and stakeholder communities, we emphasize on engaging families, youth, residents and creative industries in co-developing the necessary conditions for change. Despite conflicting challenges, like land ownership, low participatory culture and institutional dynamics, our pilot strives to create effective and synergistic interventions in the linear park of Pedieos through a dilemma-based approach and democratic procedures of unlearning and learning that are supported by cutting-edge digital tools of co-creation.

"Fostering Sustainability, Growing Together"

Priority Intervention Zone Laeken

Priority Intervention Zone Laeken

Belgium / Brussels

Through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), we're revolutionizing water management, urban agriculture, and energy efficiency, while nurturing biodiversity. Our strategy is rooted in participatory governance, engaging local communities and partners to integrate sustainable, inclusive interventions into Brussels' urban ecosystem.

"Empowering Communities, Harnessing Nature, Building Resilience"

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Nature trails are an important asset in Lagoa and are NBS with positive impacts on wellness, health and economic development. They need to be adapted to be more inclusive, while also preserving the ecosystems.



Communal maintenance of mountain terraces, using local expert knowledge to maintain and transfer the traditional knowledge of dry stone wall construction, contributing to the reduction of soil erosion, the conservation of productive agricultural land and the maintenance of the cultural landscape.

Germany/Upper Allgäu

Germany/Upper Allgäu

Mountain Forest Initiative focuses on reestablishment and forest management involving a broad range of stakeholders, agencies and policy makers, with the aim of promoting a paradigm change and the understanding of authorities from sovereign role towards partners.



In order to explore, value and promote its unique natural patrimony, and shift an industrial-backgrounded Municipality towards nature, the Municipality of Estarreja created BioRia, a project focused on Nature Tourism and Environmental Education, also developing the app “Sentir Estarreja” and organizing a seminar about air quality to begin the process.



The Arboretum of Barcelos is a live and interactive knowledge platform that privileges research, investigation and knowledge, open to the local community and other local schools, as a focal point to environmental and science knowledge sharing. The Arboretum has already received several awards. The project will be particularly relevant for the pilot from the perspective of people's interaction with a wide variety of existing species, in the heart of the City of Barcelos, and a source of inspiration for new NBS.



Assessing the environmental and social impacts of innovative farming initiatives in Faxe, Stevns and Ringsted to understand how different types of innovative farms contribute to ecological restoration and social engagement in food production processes.



Assessing strengths and weaknesses of different projects of virtuous organic circles among neighborhood and local councils, promoted from 2016 by a social movement in Madrid Region.



Assessment of a pioneer case of a self-sufficient and eco-community. The “Oasis de la Maison autonome, Eco-hameau du Ruisseau, Association Heol” is an experimental laboratory of citizens alternative ecosystem solutions since 1976.



The Municipality of Bologna, with Foundation for Urban Innovation and the University of Bologna are leading several experiments in the historic centre of Bologna, such as the renovation of the Piazza Rossini area through the transformation of a parking area into a green area.



Assessment of the municipal experience in developing projects (Climate Action Plan, Urban Agriculture Strategy, pilots developed under the H2020-funded project URBiNAT) in partnership with a variety of actors, including local stakeholders and the Neighbourhood Councils.