More than green
Lighthouses of transformative
nature-based solutions
for inclusive communities
Adapting to climate change and halting further warming involves harnessing nature’s ability to restore and safeguard ecosystems. Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) encompass various methods, such as ecosystem-based management, sustainable forest practices, and blue-green infrastructures. The EU-funded TRANS-lighthouses project aims to gather evidence highlighting the tangible and intangible outcomes of NBSs. This data will aid in crafting NBSs that have significant ecological and social impacts, prioritizing goals of social justice and inclusivity. Embracing a non-linear approach, TRANS-lighthouses will integrate diverse stakeholders, institutions, knowledge, practices, and values to design NBSs that meet the current and future needs of communities in a fair manner.

A network of lighthouses to ground innovation
Our goals are brought to life in a network of NBS’ lighthouses for urban, rural, coastal and forested areas. Each lighthouse will lead research in participatory-action, involving local communities in the co-creation of the solutions. Find out more about our local pilot cases and Living Knowledge Labs.
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from the
TRANS-Lighthouses à Bruxelles: Bilan & Visite Technique sur la Gestion Durable des Eaux Urbaines
En janvier la Ville de Bruxelles a accuelli les partnaires du projet pour une réunion de bilan et une visite technique.
#cité #eau #review #technical visit #TRANS-Lighthouses
Ο Ποταμός Μιλά
Ένας ποταμός περνά έξω από το σπίτι μας. Πριν ξεκινήσεις να περπατάς, περίμενε μια στιγμή. Σκέψου. Πολλές φορές δεν του δίνουμε σημασία. Δεν τον βλέπουμε καν. Ίσως γιατί εμφανίζεται, κατεβαίνει από τα βουνά ή ανεβαίνει στην επιφάνεια, μόνο όταν βρέχει. Κι όταν δεν βρέχει, μαζεύεται πίσω, κρύβεται πάλι κάτω από το χώμα. Ίσως πάλι δεν […]
#biodiversity #communication #community #nature #river
El caso piloto sigue avanzando
Gracias al increíble trabajo de los compañeros de Economías BioRegionales, seguimos transformando el territorio a través de las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza. De las múltiples semillas que se están sembrando en el territorio, hoy os presentamos uno de los brotes más inspiradores y consolidados de la región: el Living Knowledge Lab de Botija. Botija, […]
#Botija #Cáceres #Co-creation #communitycommunication #Living Knowledge Lab #pilot case #TRANS-Lighthouses
Pequeños chefs, grandes soluciones
El pasado 2 de diciembre de 2024, el equipo UEx y Youth del proyecto TRANS-lighthouses: More than green: Lighthouses of transformative Nature-Based Solutions for inclusive communities, realizaron conjuntamente el taller “Chefs del compostaje: cocinando los residuos orgánicos para alimentar a la Tierra”, con los estudiantes de 3º de Primaria del Colegio Licenciados Reunidos, en Cáceres. Este […]
#Cáceres #Compostaje #Education #Nature Based Solutions #NBS #School #TRANS-Lighthouses #youth
Elaboração do projeto continua de tarefa em tarefa
No espaço escolar, os alunos encontram-se a elaborar as suas propostas, tendo ido à descoberta das Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) que mais se adequam às suas ideias, e a inseri-las numa planta da escola. Na estruturação das suas concepções, os alunos estão, também, a realizar uma proposta de orçamento, até ao montante máximo de […]
#Barcelos #Co-creation #communitycommunication #Recreio é Natureza #TRANS-Lighthouses #translighthouses
Esplorando la Natura e le Aule Verdi con Sapienza e l’Istituto Comprensivo Tiburtina Antica!
Il 4 dicembre si è svolta un’entusiasmante passeggiata educativa presso il Pratone di Economia della Sapienza (Via Scarpa), organizzata dall’Università di Sapienza in collaborazione con l’Istituto Comprensivo Tiburtina Antica. 40 alunni della quinta elementare, accompagnati dai loro insegnanti e dai ricercatori della Sapienza, hanno intrapreso un percorso di scoperta della natura e di ripensamento degli spazi di […]
#green classroom #youth
Trento through the climate challenge thanks to Nature-Based Solutions
Recently, the city of Trento has taken some important steps towards greater sustainability, designing a new building regulation that contains references to Nature-Based Solutions.
#Nature Based Solutions #NBS
Escola Básica da Fogaça recebe sessão para pais no âmbito do projeto-piloto “Recreio é Natureza”
Projeto integrado no consórcio internacional TRANS-lighthouses e desenvolvido pelo Município de Barcelos em cooperação com três escolas
#Barcelos #Co-creation #communitycommunication #Recreio é Natureza #TRANS-Lighthouses #translighthouses
BY PARTNERs who care
About future

Centre for Social Studies (CES)

Roskilde University (RUC)

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

The Cyprus Institute (CyL)

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Nantes Université (NU)

Université Gustave Eiffel (uni. Eiffel)

University of Louvain (UCLouvain)

Sapienza, Università di Roma (Sapienza)

University of Extremadura (UEx)

Universidade dos Açores (UAc)

ATHENA Research Centre (ARC)

Economias BioRegionales (EBR)

Municipio de Estarreja (CME)

Municipio de Barcelos (CMB)

Ville de Bruxelles - Stad Brussel (Brussel)

Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)

Associazione Jangada Onlus (Jangada)

Cooperativa de incubação de Iniciativas de Economia Solidária (Kairós)
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