More than green
Lighthouses of transformative
nature-based solutions
for inclusive communities
Adapting to climate change and halting further warming involves harnessing nature’s ability to restore and safeguard ecosystems. Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) encompass various methods, such as ecosystem-based management, sustainable forest practices, and blue-green infrastructures. The EU-funded TRANS-lighthouses project aims to gather evidence highlighting the tangible and intangible outcomes of NBSs. This data will aid in crafting NBSs that have significant ecological and social impacts, prioritizing goals of social justice and inclusivity. Embracing a non-linear approach, TRANS-lighthouses will integrate diverse stakeholders, institutions, knowledge, practices, and values to design NBSs that meet the current and future needs of communities in a fair manner.
A network of lighthouses to ground innovation
Our goals are brought to life in a network of NBS’ lighthouses for urban, rural, coastal and forested areas. Each lighthouse will lead research in participatory-action, involving local communities in the co-creation of the solutions. Find out more about our local pilot cases and Living Knowledge Labs.
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from the
Escola Básica da Fogaça recebe sessão para pais no âmbito do projeto-piloto “Recreio é Natureza”
Projeto integrado no consórcio internacional TRANS-lighthouses e desenvolvido pelo Município de Barcelos em cooperação com três escolas
#Barcelos #Co-creation #communitycommunication #Recreio é Natureza #TRANS-Lighthouses #translighthouses
Εργαστήρι ΣτροβοΔΡΑΣΗς “Μαθαίνοντας τί να αλλάξουμε – Αλλάζοντας το πώς μαθαίνουμε”
Η κοινότητα Στροβόλου ήρθε ξανά σε ένα εργαστήριο “Αλλαγής πρακτικών” με σκοπό την αναγνώριση των αξιών του Πεδιαίου ποταμού μέσα από την τέχνη και την επιστήμη. Το εργαστήριο χαιρέτισε η Αξιότιμη Αντιδήμαρχος του Δήμου Στροβόλου, κυρία Στέλλα Σουρμελή. Με τις παρουσιάσεις των Δέσπω Πασιά και Ευανθία (Εύη) Τσελίκα, Mέλπω Αποστολίδου της BirdLife Cyprus, και των […]
#biodiversity #Co-creation #TRANS-Lighthouses #Urban green space #ΣΤΡΟΒΟΛΟΣ
Συμμετοχή στο Πρώτο Αειφόρο Φεστιβάλ Πεδιαίου… Ροή Ζωής!
Στις 3 Νοεμβρίου 2024, το Ινστιτούτο Κύπρου σε συνεργασία με το Δήμο Στροβόλου και την υποστήριξη της νεοφυούς εταιρείας PaleBlue Apps, διοργάνωσε το Διαδραστικό παιχνίδι ‘ΣτροβοΔΡΑΣΗς’, στα πλαίσια του ‘1ου Αειφόρου Φεστιβάλ Πεδιαίου…ροή ζωής’. Το παιχνίδι στοχεύει στην εξερεύνηση του ποταμού, δίνοντας γνώση για τη Χλωρίδα και Πανίδα του Πεδιαίου, μέσα από διάφορες προκλήσεις και quiz. […]
#biodiversity #Co-creation #communitycommunication #TRANS-Lighthouses #Urban green space
Collaborazione tra il DIAP e IC Tiburtina Antica per la co-creazione di un’aula verde a Roma (Via Scarpa)
l Dipartimento di Architettura e Design (DIAP) dell'Università La Sapienza di Roma e l'Istituto Comprensivo Tiburtina Antica hanno avviato una collaborazione per coinvolgere due classi di quinta elementare nella co-creazione di un'aula verde.
#green classroom #inclusion #roma #TRANS-Lighthouses #Urban green space
E se o recreio também for um espaço de aprendizagem?
Nos passados dias 20 e 21 de novembro os alunos da Escola Básica e Secundária de Vila Cova tiveram a oportunidade de participar numa atividade formativa, inicialmente num modelo de palestra, mas que, numa segunda fase, assumiu uma dinâmica mais interventiva e reflexiva. Mas, afinal, qual era o tema? O objetivo passou pela sensibilização dos […]
#Barcelos #Co-creation #communitycommunication #Recreio é Natureza #TRANS-Lighthouses #translighthouses
Collaborazione tra il II Municipio e il DIAP per la Progettazione Partecipativa dell’area verde di Via De Lollis
Il Secondo Municipio di Roma e il Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto (DIAP) dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza" annunciano con entusiasmo la firma di un accordo per la progettazione dell'area di Via De Lollis, che coinvolgerà attivamente la comunità locale, in particolare i giovani.
#Urban green space
Noite Europeia dos Investigadores: A ciência ecosocial e o trilho da Rota da Água – Janela do inferno
A Noite Europeia dos Exploradores, foi realizada a 27 de setembro, em Ponta Delgada. Nesta Edição a ciência ecosocial foi levada para a cidade de Ponta Delgada, de uma forma única. A iniciativa recriou o percurso natural do trilho da janela do inferno, mas dentro de um pavilhão, permitindo que as pessoas o explorassem. Este […]
##JanelaDoInferno #communitycommunication #TRANS-Lighthouses
Los días 28, 29 y 30 de octubre, dentro del Espacio UEx de la Universidad de Extremadura en Cáceres tuvo lugar el 5° Consortium Meeting del proyecto Horizonte Europa “TRANS-lighthouses: More than green: Lighthouses of transformative Nature-Based Solutions for inclusive communities”, un proyecto internacional en el que participan 19 socios europeos de 10 países, entre los que se encuentra la Universidad de Extremadura.
#Cáceres #Co-creation #communitycommunication #Consortium Meeting #5 #Nature Based Solutions #Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza #TRANS-Lighthouses
BY PARTNERs who care
About future
Centre for Social Studies (CES)
Roskilde University (RUC)
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
The Cyprus Institute (CyL)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Nantes Université (NU)
Université Gustave Eiffel (uni. Eiffel)
University of Louvain (UCLouvain)
Sapienza, Università di Roma (Sapienza)
University of Extremadura (UEx)
Universidade dos Açores (UAc)
ATHENA Research Centre (ARC)
Economias BioRegionales (EBR)
Municipio de Estarreja (CME)
Municipio de Barcelos (CMB)
Ville de Bruxelles - Stad Brussel (Brussel)
Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)
Associazione Jangada Onlus (Jangada)
Cooperativa de incubação de Iniciativas de Economia Solidária (Kairós)
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